About Us

Partnership starts here

Welcome to the WBT-CK supplier web site. We value the efforts of all our business partners in ensuring our mutual success and creating brighter lives for all. Here you’ll find the relevant information you need to do business with WBT-CK more effectively – to everyone’s benefit.

Our purpose
WBT-CK’s purpose is to create brighter lives for all. WBT-CK addresses with its products and solutions some of the world’s biggest challenges while simultaneously creating economic, environmental and societal value for all its stakeholders – customers, employees, shareholders, and society at large.

Working together is a win-win
At WBT-CK we’re aware that the supplier-customer relationship is changing. It’s becoming more dynamic – with a focus on long-term strategic partnerships that create value for everyone: not just for profit, but for people and our planet.

Our Partners

4800 +
Internationl PR
Locally PR
Partner innovation in action
There is no innovation without collaboration. Every day we work with our suppliers on new ideas, product innovations and solutions to many business and societal problems. We want to work with partners that share our purpose of creating brighter lives for all. That means challenging us with fresh thinking that can add real value to what our customers need, to what our market needs, and ultimately to what society needs.

Let’s work together

Our partnerships and suppliers across the value chain play an essential role in helping us all thrive in a way that benefits people, planet and profit. The goal is to develop our business together in an environmentally, economically and socially responsible way. Which is why we expect all our suppliers to act sustainably.

We Deal With Various requirements!

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